Blade of the Immortal returns in deluxe hardcover editions, collecting Hiroaki Samura's epic series for the first time in its original 7x10 serialized format. A cursed, seemingly immortal warrior aids a...
One of the most popular comic artists in the world, Ai Yazawa, returns with a 20th anniversay edition of the fashion-inspired comic that made her an international sensation, Paradise Kiss....
(W) Katsuhiro Otomo (A/CA) Katsuhiro Otomo The post-apocalyptic science-fiction saga Akira, with its thought-provoking themes and kinetic artwork, introduced the world to the power of manga. Now available again, this...
JUL140142 (W) Satoshi Kon (A/CA) Satoshi Kon Brilliant anime director Satoshi Kon (Paprika, Paranoia Agent, Tokyo Godfathers, Millennium Actress, Perfect Blue) died tragically young in 2010 at the age of...
Since the original TASCHEN edition of Manga Design, Japan's comic phenomenon has produced yet more captivating characters and a whole host of hot new talents. This revised and updated edition delivers...
(W/A/CA) Tsutomu Nihei The artificial celestial body Aposimz measures 120,000 km in diameter. Most of its volume is its core space, which is covered by a superstructural shell. Fifty centuries...
(W/A/CA) Hiroaki Samura Rin begins to discover her skills as a warrior and strategist as she makes new allies and resolves to find the missing Manji. Her immortal swordsman is...
(W) Buronson (A) Tetsuo Hara Ken's search for his lost brother Toki has led him to the gates of the notorious prison known as Cassandra, the City of Wailing Demons....
JUN091123 (W) Osamu Tezuka, Naoki Urasawa (A/CA) Naoki Urasawa Title: Pluto: Urasawa × Tezuka, Vol. 5 By Naoki Urasawa and Osamu Tezuka Synopsis: Deep into his investigation of the serial...
(W/A/CA) Hiroyuki Takei In a world where shamans communicate with the dead and call forth the power of legendary spirits to defeat their enemies in both body and soul, Yoh...
(W) Katsuhiro Otomo (A/CA) Katsuhiro Otomo Regarded by many as the finest work of graphic fiction ever produced, Akira is a bold and breathtaking epic of potent narrative strength and...