(W) Hiroaki Samura (A/CA) Hiroaki Samura Rin continues her quest across Japan to avenge the murder of her parents, joined by Manji-her seemingly immortal protector. The eccentric, bloodthirsty Ittö-ryü sword school tries to carve a path to Edo Castle, led by the hated Anotsu as they obliterate all rival schools along the way. The deadly Mugai-ryü has formed, though-with the sole purpose of destroying Anotsu's clan! Collects volumes 4, 5, and 6.
(W) Katsuhiro Otomo (A/CA) Katsuhiro Otomo The post-apocalyptic science-fiction saga Akira, with its thought-provoking themes and kinetic artwork, introduced the world to the power of manga. Now available again, this...