Determined to protect his beloved home of Paradis, Eren uses the Founding Titan's power in an attempt to wipe out the rest of humanity. As the droves of Titans press on, Eren, long unrecognizable as a friend, a brother, a savior, has become indiscernible from a devil... Now, Mikasa, Armin, and the surviving members of the Survey Corps must band together with their sworn enemies--Marleyan soldiers and 104th defectors--to save the world.
The complete saga of Demon Slayer, all in one epic box set! This box set contains all 23 volumes of the global hit Demon Slayer as well as an exclusive...
From Vertical, Inc.! Dororo's unique story, set in a swashbuckling environment, made it a shoe-in for live action film adaptation, and its potential for providing such story content in the...
Blade of the Immortal returns in deluxe hardcover editions, collecting Hiroaki Samura's epic series for the first time in its original 7x10 serialized format. A cursed, seemingly immortal warrior aids a...