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The time stream is in danger...again! A younger version of Cable came back from the future to save his timeline, but he wasn't the only one to make the journey....
The Danger Room holds the worst of the worst in the Age of X-Man! When you break the law in paradise, you aren't sent to just any prison. You're sent...
Miles Morales swings back into the spotlight! When the rampaging Rhino and a cadre of mysterious criminals start plaguing Brooklyn, things take a dark turn for the young Spider-Man! What...
The next chapter in the ever-surprising saga of Daredevil! After a brush with death, Matt Murdock must piece together his shattered life - and that includes returning to action as...
PERFECT FOR MIDDLE GRADE READERS!When Peter Parker falls, the world needs a Spider-Man - and young Miles Morales takes up the mantle! Before Peter died, Miles was poised to start...
Continuing the saga of Marvel's original mutant team! Hank McCoy sets off on his own, taking a research job - but his scientific curiosity will curse him forever when an...
The sequel to the award-winning publishing sensation that made Kurt Busiek and Alex Ross into stars! News photographer Phil Sheldon is back to provide the man-on-the-street's perspective on the larger-than-life...
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Spider-Man is the worst neighbor ever! There are always crazy villains and property damage and drama and...and he catches those villains. And he tries to fix the damage. And he...
Learn the full story of the galaxy's most lovable scoundrel in this adaptation of the blockbuster Star Wars prequel! After leaving the Imperial Navy, a young Han Solo seeks adventure...
From despair to D'Spayre! With Tyrone Johnson dead and buried, a blind and grief-stricken Dagger deals with the agony of loss - while the villainous Ecstasy wears Cloak's cloak! But...
(W) Ed Brisson (A) Dylan Burnett, Damian Couceiro (CA) Pepe Larraz The '90s mutant militia is back, teeth gritted and hot for blood! After decades of combat, the man called...
The Punisher is extradited to the worst place imaginable: Bagalia, Hydra Nation itself! Frank Castle has been in jail before, but never one like this - on an island country...
Classic titles from yesteryear return in a genre-spanning celebration of 80 years of Marvel Comics! Ziggy Pig and Silly Seal were superstars of the funny animal comedy circuit - until...
It's the wedding that's been years in the making - and you're all invited! Ben Grimm and Alicia Masters say "I do!" No bait. No switch. Not a hoax. Not...
Discover the many faces of the Moon Knight! Mercenary. Werewolf hunter. Super hero. Millionaire playboy. Cab driver. Ghost? Moon Knight is many things to many people, with the multiple personalities...
Over six tumultuous decades, the X-Men have carved a singular place in comic book lore and popular culture. From their riotous birth in the '60s, to their legendary reboot in...
Savage tales featuring atmospheric artwork by Marvel's finest artists! An old friend's death leads Logan to Nick Fury...and the Swift Sword terrorist organization! But what is the surprising secret under...
Venom no more?! Just when you thought the blockbuster story of Venom couldn't get any more intense, Donny Cates turns the world of Eddie Brock on its head - again!...
The Rebel Alliance sets its sights on strengthening its forces by growing its numbers. But with a greater number of recruits comes discord and dissidence. Can Princess Leia, with help...
The possibility of the Death Star changed everything. But its destruction proved that the Empire is not irresistible. The specter of the devastating weapon brought together a patchwork cloth of...
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