Omega Red may be harboring a deadly secret, but nothing compares to the trust broken by the unexpected interrogation of one of X-Force's own! Meanwhile, Forge, Wolverine and Quentin Quire...
The planet Arakko is a new target for Arakkii pirate Sevyr Blackmore! But where there's crime, there's inevitably punishment. And that's where X-Force comes in, along with hired hands Maverick...
It's a new era for X-Force - and a new era means new members! Laura Kinney, A.K.A. Wolverine, and Piotr Rasputin, A.K.A. Colossus, join the team. Let's just hope one...
The first drumbeats of war begin to sound! Ever since her injuries at the hands of the mutant-hating Xeno group, Domino's luck has been changing...for the worse! Can she track...
Crossing a dangerous line! Omega Red is harboring a deadly secret, and how far will X-Force go to keep Krakoa safe! But nothing compares to the trust broken by the...
(W) Ed Brisson (A) Dylan Burnett, Damian Couceiro (CA) Pepe Larraz The '90s mutant militia is back, teeth gritted and hot for blood! After decades of combat, the man called...
The time stream is in danger...again! A younger version of Cable came back from the future to save his timeline, but he wasn't the only one to make the journey....
The official prelude to the hotly anticipated Disney+ animated series, based on the beloved show from the 90s! The X-Men are back - and the '90s have never looked better!...
X-Men Animated Series Adaptations Omnibus Hardcover Gammill Direct Market Variant
Exploding from your TV screen! The iconic X-Men: The Animated Series thrilled fans in the 1990s and defined the X-Men for an entire generation. And their small-screen adventures, inspired by...
(W) Gerry Duggan (A) Pepe Larraz, Javier Pina (CA) Pepe Larraz The heroes of Krakoa are here to save the planet! Things might be complicated between the new mutant...
The X-Men's last stand! As the chaos of mutantkind's fight back against their fall at the hands of Orchis rages in FALL OF THE HOUSE OF X, other forgotten foes...
In the shocking wake of the Hellfire Gala, what will the FALL OF X mean for the X-Men? For one of their greatest, it will change everything! She's been known...
Jonathan Hickman ushered in a new era for all of mutantkind with HOUSE OF X and POWERS OF X! Now, he and an array of superstar artists redefine the X-MEN!...
The X-Men face a whole new world of possibility! Mastermind Jonathan Hickman and superstar artist Leinil Francis Yu kick off this uncanny new era with a celebration of family as...
One era ends and a new one begins as Jonathan Hickman's acclaimed run enters the Reign of X! In the wake of the Earth-shattering events of X OF SWORDS, the...
X-Men Epic Collection TP Always Darkest Before the Dawn
Continuing the saga of Marvel's original mutant team! Hank McCoy sets off on his own, taking a research job - but his scientific curiosity will curse him forever when an...
X-Men Epic Collection TPB Dissolution Rebirth New Printing
Outback - and outgunned! The X-Men are brought to their lowest point as the team slowly breaks apart - but who will rise to take their place? When Nanny attacks...
(W) Louise Simonson, More (A) Bret Blevins, More (CA) Alan Davis The X-Men and their allies face war on every front! X-Factor comes up against their deadliest challenge yet in...
Over six tumultuous decades, the X-Men have carved a singular place in comic book lore and popular culture. From their riotous birth in the '60s, to their legendary reboot in...