(W) Anne Szabla (A/CA) Anne Szabla Bird Boy follows the story of Bali, a ten-year-old boy desperate to prove his worth to his northern tribe despite his small stature. Banned...
(W) Anne Szabla (A/CA) Anne Szabla Bali is lost deep within the forbidden forest, hunted by the terrifying Rook Men, and must fight his way across a dangerous land of...
Black Hammer / Justice League TP Hammer of Justice HC
A strange man arrives simultaneously on Black Hammer Farm and in Metropolis and both worlds are warped as Starro attacks! Batman, Green Lantern, Flash, Wonder Woman, Superman, and more crossover...
From the world of the Eisner Award-winning Black Hammer series comes a gripping World War II action-adventure tale! During the Golden Age of superheroes, an elite Air Force crew called...
The first chapter of the highly acclaimed, Eisner Award-winning superhero saga in deluxe, oversized hardcover format.Mysteriously banished from existence by a multiversal event, the old superheroes of Spiral City now...
Torn from the Farm and faced with startling revelations about their last ten years, the Black Hammer crew, stripped of their identities, must race to prevent a universal meltdown and...
A Lovecraftian teen decides she will do anything to make herself "normal," a bizarre witch guides her guests through her house of horrors, and an all-star slate of guest artists...
(W) Jeff Lemire (A/CA) David Rubin This mystery set in the world of superheroes follows a reporter determined to find out what happened to her father: The Black Hammer. All...
(W) Jeff Lemire (A/CA) Dean Ormston Once they were heroes. Now, banished from existence by a multiversal crisis, the old champions of Spiral City lead simple lives in a timeless...
(W) Jeff Lemire (A/CA) Caitlin Yarsky Black Hammer: Reborn is the next era of the Black Hammer Universe; a twelve-issue series by Jeff Lemire and Caitlin Yarsky that juxtaposes an...
Black Hammer: Reborn is the next era of the Black Hammer Universe: a twelve-issue series by Jeff Lemire, Caitlin Yarsky, Malachi Ward and Matthew Sheean that juxtaposes an achingly human...
(W) Patton Oswalt & Various (A) Dean Kotz & Various (CA) Jae Lee, June Chung Creators such as Patton Oswalt, Geoff Johns, Mariko Tamaki, Scott Snyder, Chip Zdarsky, Kelly Thompson,...
(W) Scott Snyder & Various (A) David Rubin & Various (CA) Jerry Ordway, Bill Crabtree This collection launches the second part of a special two-volume hardcover series of exciting stories...
A disgraced ex-cop, Conrad, seeks redemption by unraveling an unsolved murder during Southern California's fire season. Conrad follows a lone clue-a discarded crucifix-to unravel the death of Karen Littleton, whose...
(W) Juan D?az Canales (A/CA) Juanjo Guarnido Hard-boiled feline detective John Blacksad is back in the latest tour de force from the multiple-award-winning duo of writer Juan Díaz Canales and...
Juan Díaz Canales (W) and Juanjo Guarnido (A) Private investigator John Blacksad is up to his feline ears in mystery, digging into the backstories behind murders, child abductions, and nuclear...
(W) Juan D?az Canales (A/CA) Juanjo Guarnido Detective John Blacksad returns, with a new case that takes him to a 1950s New Orleans filled with hot jazz and cold-blooded murder!...
Weekly's been framed by Lewis Solomon, the power behind New York's construction boom, but the king of the hill has built his empire on a mound of corpses, including union...
(W) Evan Dorkin (A/CA) Veronica Fish When four teenagers with haunted pasts enroll in Blackwood College-a school that trains students in the occult-their desire to enhance their supernatural abilities and...
(W/A/CA) Hiroaki Samura Rin begins to discover her skills as a warrior and strategist as she makes new allies and resolves to find the missing Manji. Her immortal swordsman is...